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South: Concerns
What are YOU concerned about? Improving our Olmsted Parks? Strengthening the Seneca-Cazenovia business district? Protecting neighborhoods from industrial truck traffic? The future of area brownfields? Reviving South Park Avenue businesses? Buffalo River cleanup and access? This is your chance to express yourself!
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Joanne Milioto
8 Votes      
South Buffalo, Buffalo River near Avondale Place, Avon Street: This is a flood plain, possibly a boat launch, Erie County planted trees. I would like to see this stay a Green area with no development.
Margaret Hanrahan
3 Votes      
I would like to keep the Irish heritage here in South Buffalo where my, and many other Irish immigrants, settled from Ireland. I would also like to see the Brownfield area near Abby & South Park go green. Powered with solar power, wind...