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West: Concerns
What are YOU concerned about? The future of Grant-Ferry? Buffalo State College developments? New buildings in Elmwood Village? Future of Children's Hospital? The lower Niagara business district? This is your chance to express yourself!
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Lorna Peterson
13 Votes� ��
1. need for bicycle paths-- as a pedestrian I would like bikes off of sidewalks and for cyclists to have a safe section of the street 2. preserve and conserve-- no more suburbanization in the city with big box stores and deep parking lots...
City Vineyard Church
16 Votes� ��
The Peace Bridge Plaza and 190 (I'd have to mention the water treatment facility as well) have had terrible effects on the air quality on the West Side. Expansion of the Peace Bridge Plaza would only make this problem worse. The spike in...
Peter Moss
-7 Votes� ��
The Five points area has been steadily improving. I wish we could regain the momentum of the extreme makeover with government instead of hollywood. Maybe some more attractive home improvement grants and an urban civilian restoration corp. (ucrc)...
Virginia Holloway
10 Votes� ��
Franklin Street between Virginia and Allen is just one example of this, but a prime one, probably the worst. Property owners are allowed to pave over the front yard of their properties for parking, or pave the tree lawn between the sidewalk and...
Arnold Kahn
-8 Votes� ��
After attending the zoning meeting at Lafayette High School, I applaud what the City of Buffalo is doing in preparation for new zoning ordinances. My concern is that in the two years it's projected to take for the new zoning ordinances to be...
West Side
1 Votes� ��
The intersection of Forest and Grant is appalling. I don�t know what used to be here, but all 4 corners now have single-story buildings located back from the road with parking in front. This...
Jessica Kauffman
-12 Votes� ��
There are no public playgrounds for children to use on the Upper West Side.
Virginia Holloway
4 Votes� ��
The Nursefinders building at the SE corner of Delaware and Virginia is a prime example of the sort of thing that should never be built in Allentown again. One story, set back from the street, with parking in front.
Matt Kauffman
-1 Votes� ��
The empty brownfields between Buff State and Rt. 266/265 provides an opportunity to create a reforested "Tifft-like" post-industrial site near the mouth of Scajacwada Creek. The city should be setting aside more public land at many...
Josh A.
26 Votes� ��
We should take vacant homes and lands and make them into a solar & wind power co-op, getting locals to invest, governmental aid, possibly grants etc… The power we generate could be used for our homes/district or sold to the...
Joanne Kahn and Arnold Kahn
-13 Votes� ��
Three-quarters of the land surrounding Gates Circle can be considered in transition. Let's not leave the planning for this important gateway to the whims of developers. I would request the city to develop a master plan for this area to guide...
Vineyard City Church
28 Votes� ��
While two parks exist on Squaw Island at the extreme western edge and Delware Park is to the east of the neighborhood, there is a complete lack of maintained public green space within the Upper West Side.