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Masten-E. Delavan Community Workshop

MLK Park Neighborhood,
Humboldt Parkway/ Northampton,
Schiller Park/ Kenfield,
Hamlin Park,
Fruitbelt/ BNMC,
Cold Spring/ Masten Park

MLK Park Neighborhood

Assets: Local restaurants, community schools; housing stock on Humboldt; industrial land can benefit the community; community parks; community resource centers; new public housing on Ferry and Grider; public transportation along major routes.

Strengths: Science museum; opportunities along commercial strip leading up to MLK Park; residential properties along Humboldt and Parade Street; hospital area around ECMC has the potential for economic development.

Weaknesses: Demolition of existing housing for new housing; weak commercial activity along Jefferson and Fillmore; boarded up vacant housing; empty factories along Fillmore.

New Directions:Rehabilitation along Utica; infill development should reflect existing housing; mixed-use development along commercial corridors.


Assets: Neighborhood block clubs; community centers; local churches; hospitals; accessibility to both forms of public transportation; local restaurants.

Strengths: Housing stock; potential for development of Central Park Plaza; historic churches; local businesses; existing buildings; stable occupancy along Titus Avenue.

Weaknesses: Disintegrating community; demolished housing; 33 expressway; poorly maintained streets; stores not owned by local residents; traffic makes Filmore - Delavan intersection and Oberlin Avenue dangerous.

New Directions: Incorporate more mixed used along commercial corridors; Central Park Plaza could be a walkable retail district; residential infill should have off-street parking; urban agriculture/ parks in vacant spaces.

Humboldt Parkway/ Northampton

Assets: Churches; housing near MLK Park; supermarket; schools; community organizations; recreation centers.

Strengths: MLK park and surrounding housing; housing stock in Kingsley area; Jefferson commercial strip, diversity of businesses; availability of senior housing; Main Street retail.

Weaknesses: Poorly maintained sidewalks; vacant areas; lack of economic development opportunities.

New Directions: Increase residential lot sizes to accommodate multiple cars; additional green spaces to be maintained by community gardening organization.

Schiller Park/ Kenfield

Assets: Beautiful community parks, great natural features; schools; neighborhood retail plazas; religious organizations; community centers; accessibility to commercial activity on Bailey

Strengths: Neighborhoods near parks have access to recreational activities; commercial activity along Bailey; expansion of ECMC; traffic flow and commercial activity on Walden; historic housing stock on Connelly and Decker; density in residential areas; strong residential neighborhoods on Erskine and Ruspin; access to airport and downtown from Genesee.

Weaknesses: Vacant commercial properties; Olympic exit from the 33; area surrounding Wende; absence of police presence around E. Ferry and Grider projects; expanded Liberty school bus lot has increased noise and fumes, not good environment for nearby residential properties; vacancy at Central Park Plaza.

New Directions: Urban retail centers along Genesee towards downtown; business center at Central Park Plaza; economic development to support existing businesses; streetscape improvements; private green spaces near Langfield Homes.

Hamlin Park

Assets:Historical houses; schools; senior housing; neighborhood parks; historical churches; community centers; houses of prominent Buffalo figures, Mayor's house.

Strengths: Neighborhood parks; library; historic houses in good condition; double houses; home owners interest in the neighborhood.

Weaknesses:Parts of the neighborhood where college students live; neighborhood delis; abandoned areas and vacant lots.

New Directions: Change student housing to single family residential; infill housing with community open space; mixed use along Jefferson and Fillmore.


Assets:Neighborhood schools; tree canopy on residential streets; community gardens; local church community activities; 700 block of Main Street; Roswell Garden; BNMC is a business incubator; access to public transportation.

Strengths: Strong homeownership, residents care about their homes; high density of long term residents in Fruitbelt; new development along Ellicot; "bones" in commercial areas; training sessions at Masten St. Armory; row houses that remain on Emerson and Woodlawn; renovation at Doubletree hotel and surrounding area.

Weaknesses: No transition between FruitBelt neighborhood and BNMC; single-use neighborhoods, residents have to drive out of the community to get food; vacant area around HSBC, used as a thoroughfare and scary for pedestrians; vacant and aging housing in the Fruitbelt; boarded up BMHA housing.

New Directions: Keep the highways West of Michigan; expand Wilson Street farm; neighborhood groceries that provide affordable fresh food; improve streetscapes; gardens spaces near to public schools to provide educational opportunities.

Cold Spring/Masten Park

Assets:Cultural diversity along Laurel; historical and cultural architecture; community activities at cultural centers; unique streets Cooper and Timon; pocket parks, circular houses.

Strengths: Residential near Sisters Hospital; stable housing along Michigan; housing stock near Canisius neighborhood; commercial districts on Main and Delavan.

Weaknesses: Michigan Avenue needs a service sector, not pedestrian friendly; Main Street is too wide, not walkable, sidewalks not wide enough; land use on Ferry Street; disintegration of historical neighborhood along Michigan and Main.

New Directions: Streetscape improvements; mixed use development along Michigan and Jefferson; more development near Washington Market; incorporate green spaces in residential areas, including jogging trails.