Generic Environmental Impact Statement

The cumulative environmental impact of adopting the Green Code, including all of its component documents, is being evaluated under one Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) in accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA).

Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement
The Common Council accepted the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement at the December 13, 2016 Council meeting.

Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement - December 2016

Appendix A - Public Hearing Transcripts

Appendix B - Public and Agency Comments

Appendix C - Citywide Land Use Plan

Appendix D - Unified Development Ordinance

Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement
The Common Council, with assistance from the Office of Strategic Planning, filed an initial Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the September 20, 2016 Council meeting and submitted a revised version of the FGEIS for the October 18, 2016 Council meeting, which is available below.

Please note that the FGEIS is not considered complete until it is adopted by the Common Council

Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement - October 2016

Appendix A - Public Hearing Transcripts

Appendix B - Public and Agency Comments

Appendix C - Citywide Land Use Plan

Appendix D - Unified Development Ordinance

Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement
The Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS) was accepted by Common Council on February 16, 2016. The formal public comment period - which took place  from February 22, 2016 to April 22, 2016 - is now closed.

Public Hearings - The Common Council held two public hearings regarding the Buffalo Green Code DGEIS, as follows:
• First public hearing - March 15, 2016 at 5:30 p.m., City of Buffalo Common Council Chambers, 13th floor City Hall, 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY 14202.
• Second public hearing - April 2, 2016 at 10:00 a.m., Buffalo Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, 450 Masten Ave.,  Buffalo,  14209.

DGEIS availability - The DGEIS and related Buffalo Green Code documents are available, as follows:
• Online at
• At each Buffalo & Erie County Public Library located within the City of Buffalo.
• At the Common Council Central Office, 1413 City Hall, 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY 14202.


DGEIS Figures


Appendix A - Land Use Plan

Appendix B - Draft Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan

Appendix C - Homestead Plan

Appendix D - Brownfield Opportunity Area Plans and Nomination Documents

Appendix E - Unified Development Ordinance

Appendix F - Urban Renewal Plans Review Document

Appendix G - Communty Outreach

Appendix H - Build Out Analysis

Appendix I -Transportation Analysis